Do you love posting pictures on Pinterest? Well, if you do, you can also turn that passion into making money with Pinterest by Affiliate Marketing and it seems that you don't actually need a blog to do it. Aside from looking at Pinterest as simply a photo-sharing website, look at the bigger picture. Consider it as a global bulletin and to your surprise most of the Pinterest users consist of women.


There are a bunch of ways for you to make money with Pinterest and I'm about to share with you guys some of the ways you can make money with Pinterest using affiliate marketing.

1. Find your passion and start building an audience

When we talk about passion, what seems to be of your interest. You can actually use that interest of yours to make money especially when there is a demand for your interest in which people are willing to pay their money.

Let's say that you love hitting the gym and staying fit. You decided to target women in the early 20s who wish to stay fit and active like you are. So, you will then make a Pinterest account and start hitting that board with cool posts to start attracting your desired audience.

Rake up those followers for your board and start to create an email list. Don't worry about not having a lot of followers at the start. With a lot of hard work and dedication, you'll get thousands of followers in no time and marketers will start rushing in to make you an offer.

2. Pick a company to promote and start asking for sponsorships

Then, you will want to target a specific audience so that you build your Pinterest followers among these audiences. You will want to choose companies that match your audience's tastes and preferences. If you stick with being a fitness trainer, you could start selling gym equipment or even sports drinks.  

You will want to share the insights of your Pinterest account so that companies out there know that you have a lot of engaged followers and more than willing to sponsor you. Make them a deal like sponsoring their products on your Pinterest for a period of 6 months.

3. Affiliate products

There are companies out there that are willing to promote their products by paying Influencers to market their product to get great sales in return. You should seek companies that sell products related to the category of your Pinterest account.  You can sign up as their affiliate and start promoting it on your board with their affiliate link.

It's always a good idea to use a URL shortener such as since you will be able to keep track of who has clicked your link related to which boards and pins.

Another thing to keep in mind is the fact that Pinterest will take down any spam links which will result in your link being taken down if you are not careful.

4. Search Engine Optimization (SEO) on Pinterest

You probably will think about what is the relevancy of doing SEO on Pinterest. SEO is rather important even for Pinterest since you want your potential customers to be able to see what you're trying to sell. If you do it just right, you will not just appear on the top list of Pinterest but also on search engines like Google.


Be sure to make good use of your "About" profile by being as descriptive and clear as you can since this will help boost the rank of your Pinterest boards and pins. Use keywords that are relevant to your pins and boards.

This goes the same for your Pins as well since it allows you 500 characters, therefore try to write in a natural way as well as including important keywords and links on them. Try not to spam.

5. Repin others' pins

Simply by doing this, it will show that you are an active user and it allows others to notice you too. Try to target those that you think are related to or interested in your product. As you start doing this from time to time, more people will start to recognize and you will be able to rake in a lot of followers.

6. Make Contest and Giveaways

Who doesn't like giveaways and prizes right?! By doing a contest on a regular basis, you can also promote your products and make money selling. 

Pinterest is however strict and keeps their guidelines in mind:

Contest are common tactic businesses use to get people to engage with their brand, and we've learned a lot about how they work on Pinterest. Done well, they can trigger to help people think about and talk about your brand. But they can also motivate people to add Pins they aren't truly interested in which is why Pins from contest can often feel irrelevant and even spammy

 When it comes to users' experience, Pinterest is very protective and they want to ensure a seamless experience for all their users.


7. Teach others

Since you already know all these strategies then it is also wise to teach others how you manage to pull it off. You can start by creating E-books and even course teaching others who need help.

When Pinterest users start to grow so will your potential of making money with it. Don't be stingy and always help others in need.

In Conclusion

Well, there you have it. I have shared with you guys all the effective methods of making money with Pinterest. It may not seem as much but as time goes by, you will notice that these strategies will help you in making money with Pinterest.

You have to put a lot of effort before you actually see the results but with hard work and dedication it will definitely pull off in the end.

What do you think is the best way to make money from Pinterest?

Also read: Making Money with TikTok

Source: Lifehack