Instagram has become one of the most popular apps out there for millineals and youths. It has become a platform for them to do affiliate marketing, selling, networking as well as an audience building tool for many corporations out there.


Engagement rates on Instagram have skyrocketed in comparison with other social media platforms out there. Based on a study that has been done by Forrester Research, the interaction with Instagram is 4.21% when compared to Facebook and Twitter which is only 0.07% and 0.03% respectively.

Below I will show you some hacks on how you can get more followers on Instagram

1. Hashtags (#) #gaming #gamers #playstation

Hashtags are the most important thing when it comes to your post being recognized by others worldwide. Depending on the category or niche of your posts, the hashtag will also differ. So, basically what I did was I search for hashtags and categorize them into 3 categories ;

  1. Low competition (less than 12K posts)
  2. Medium competition (less than 100K posts)
  3. High competition  (100,000 posts)

You will then use a combination of hashtags from these 3 different categories in your post and I usually use around 10-15 hashtags per post. You will then notice the difference in the engagement of your posts and more people will like your posts in which some of them will tend to follow you.

Try not to use too many hashtags since this will be considered too spammy and this will not help you in promoting your posts. Try to do some research on those hashtags and simply make a spreadsheet of all the relevant hashtags that you will be using for your posts. 

2. Participate in popular conversation

One thing that I have noticed is when you make a comment on posts that are rather popular or trending on Instagram, others will also visit your profile and perhaps follow you back. Therefore engagement is also important in which you participate in the community by liking or commenting on their posts. This will highly likely boost your followers on Instagram.


3. Get creative with your Bio URL

It is a crucial part of your Instagram profile. Change your Bio frequently and use that clickable link to drive people to one of your popular content. This way people will see how cool some of your posts are and they are more likely to follow you

There are so many other ways in which you can increase the number of followers on Instagram but it is a matter of try and error. But always bear in mind that 'Content is King'

Comment below on how you think you managed to increase your followers